“All staff at Eagle’s Nest have been very patient with X and given him lots of praise, which is needed for his low self-esteem.”


Gardening and Open Spaces

Aimed at Yr 7 – 11 students working to match Staffordshire term dates throughout the year
What's involved?

This project runs on a Wednesday from 9:30-2:30 and generally takes place at the EN Centre. 

Students begin the day completing accreditation paperwork and activities towards an AIM award Level 1 Award/ Certificate in Skills for Working in Horticultural Industries. Students then get stuck in on a practical session, working on a gardening or forest-based project, stopping for lunch around midday. As well as contributing towards the maintenance of the grounds, students have some influence on the development of the site and take ownership of the progress that is made throughout the project.

Students can attend for half a term or the whole year. With good attendance all students should be able to complete some credits towards the qualification each half term, although the full certificate is only available to those who remain on the project for a prolonged period of time. Places are allocated on a half termly basis.