"They were very good when she had a meltdown."


Martial Arts/ Forest Skills and Catering

Available for secondary students of any age.
What's involved?

After breakfast looking at the news of the day, students will take a 1-hour martial arts session at a local centre, where both discipline and control accompany physical benefits.

After a short break, work moves to the kitchen where students will work through a BTEC Home Cooking Skills course, with the potential to gain a BTEC L1/2 if they attend for at least half the year. Additional qualifications can be added for full year students. Whatever has been cooked is eaten as a group for lunch. In the afternoon, students complete worksheets and engage in a session building social skills through card/board games.

Places are allocated on a half termly basis. However, to gain the BTEC qualification students need to attend for at least a term.