"They were very good when she had a meltdown."


Martial Arts/ Forest Skills and Catering

Available for secondary students of any age.
What's involved?

After breakfast looking at the news of the day, students in our Tuesday group will go outside to engage in  a forest skills session, whilst those in our Thursday group will take a 1-hour martial arts session at a local centre. Both sessions build on life skills  in different ways. 

After a short break, work moves to the kitchen where students begin the recipe of the day. A range of recipes are carefully planned to build towards a portfolio to secure a Level 1 Award/ Certificate in Skills for Working in Hospitality and Catering Industries. Whatever has been cooked is eaten as a group for lunch. In the afternoon, students complete worksheets and engage in a session building social skills through card/board games.

Places are allocated on a half termly basis. However, to gain the full certificate, students need to attend for at least two terms.